What we do

What we do

Global Expertise, Local Solutions for Smarter Development

DPI’s offers a wide range of development expertise focusing on enhancing democracy, governance, rule of law, human rights, social cohesion, civil society, oversight mechanisms, institutional capacity building, and anti-corruption, among others. DPI has successfully managed donor funding covering every region of the developing world. The company’s support has helped build sustainable judicial and government systems that are transparent, fair, accountable, efficient, and respectful of human rights.

Specific projects have focused on promoting the rule of law, media and social networking, civil society capacity building, advocacy, access to justice, anti-corruption, combating gender-based violence, mediation, and conflict mitigation. Our success has been in building relationships with local partners who can lead reforms that fit with the local needs and culture. This approach ensures sustainability beyond the life of any one project and builds capacity of stakeholders as champions of reform.

DPI has a growing practice in performing research and analysis activities. This includes developing country-specific strategies, and monitoring and evaluation plans; design and management of performance and impact evaluations; design of projects or activities; coordination of the compilation and validation of data for operational/performance plans and reports; and conducting data quality assessments.

Findings of different analyses and assessments serve to overcome the constraints often found by implementors on the ground. Our teams further test proposed interventions and, after obtaining proof of concept, move further with implementation. This allows both DPI and our counterparts to engage in a culture of learning that increases efficiency, and institutionalizes reforms.

Our technical expertise is enhanced by our management capacity that combines strong leadership in the field with home office support that is designed to ensure the completion of deliverables on time and within budget.

Check our Projects page for a more detailed insight into the change we bring through our development work!
