Team DPI ACES IDIQ Corporate Qualifications
The Active Communities Effective States Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity - ACES IDIQ contract is designed to support the U.S. government’s efforts to strengthen good governance, transparency and accountability around the world. DPI-led consortium, including our major subcontractors - Tetra Tech DRG Joint Venture, Creative Associates International, and International City/County Managers Association (ICMA) - and an outstanding group of niche organizations were awarded the ACES IDIQ contract, making our broad portfolio of services readily available for quick deployment by USAID Missions, Operating Units and Bureaus around the world.
ACES IDIQ is a $225 million global mechanism that focuses on good governance and anti-corruption; legislative strengthening; decentralization and local governance; rule of law and security sector reform; and strengthening oversight mechanisms. The IDIQ supports USAID Missions, Operating Units and Bureaus with technical assistance and expertise to undertake assessments and evaluations; design and implement new programs; and apply adaptive management strategies to ensure learning and best practices. Task Orders under the IDIQ will be designed to work closely with key governmental, non-governmental, and community-based organizations, and engage the private sector to leverage expertise and resources, and provide a solid platform to address the weak governance, poor services and lack of trust that sap the resilience of underserved communities.
DPI and our major subcontractors collectively bring an unrivaled combination of experience in democracy and governance, human rights, rule of law, anti-corruption, and transparency. Our combined resources provide a major operational global platform with current capability to implement ACES activities across the full range of USAID operating environments, development contexts, and sectors. This is amplified with local expertise, host government, and other local resources to enable rapid deployments and bring USAID and host countries outstanding, evidence-based, and cutting-edge technical assistance and advisory services, training, and project implementation.