The Rule of Law Technical Services Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (ROL IDIQ) contract is a multi-year contracting vehicle aimed at improving USAID’s performance in responding to the rule of law challenges and developing a human rights culture. DPI’s joint venture, Millennium DPI (MDPI), is the most active small business holder of the ROL IDIQ. DPI is the technical manager of all projects implemented by MDPI and has led all technical aspects of DPI’s four projects under the ROL IDIQ for a total of $39 million in Sri Lanka, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), and Moldova.
Activities under ROL IDIQ are aimed at reforming legal frameworks and strengthening actors and institutions within and beyond the justice sector, including but not limited to the ministry of justice, judiciary, prosecutors, legal defense, investigators, civilian police, independent governmental institutions, professional associations, schools and universities, traditional authorities, legislative bodies, civil society, private sector associations, and citizens, in order to support the development of the rule of law and protect and promote human rights.
DPI has served as the technical partner for all task orders implemented by MDPI on the ROL IDIQ since 2013. This includes task orders from $25,000 to prepare a Governance and Rule of Law Indicators Guide to full-scale implementation of ROL, anticorruption, and civil society strengthening projects with estimated values of $3.99 million to $9.3 million in BiH, Kosovo, Moldova, and Sri Lanka.