Analytical Services IV Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity - ASIV IDIQ is intended to provide the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance’s Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DCHA/DRG) with the analytic means and resources to inform mission, bureau, and agency strategies, policies, and decision making, as well as allowing USAID missions and other operating units to source rapid response analytic support during periods of rapidly evolving political change.
Through the ASIV IDIQ, DPI and its joint venture partner Making Cents International, provide USAID’s DRG Center with analytical expertise for strategic assessments and program design, research activities, surveys, training, and rapid response for political transitions. These services enable USAID to be responsive to queries and requests from other USG agencies or host country institutions, and to address complex democracy, human rights and governance challenges. ASIV IDIQ directly builds on USAID's DRG Strategy by providing support to USAID Missions and other operating units to develop strategies and projects that will have the greatest impact, and be based on in-depth, well-informed analyses; valid data; and best practices in the field of democracy, human rights, and governance.
DPI is implementing multiple Task Orders under ASIV worth almost $30 million. This includes DRG assessments in Indonesia, South Sudan, DRC, Timor-Leste, Guinea, Thailand, Mongolia, and Guyana; a four-year Latin America and Caribbean Learning and Rapid Response (LACLEARN) activity, supporting USAID’s programming at the LAC regional and mission levels through gender-informed analytical work; the Collective Action to Reduce Gender-Based Violence (CARE-GBV) Task Order, strengthening USAID’s capacity to prevent and respond to harmful GBV practices globally; and ATARI (Analytic Task on Authoritarian Resurgence and Influence), an innovative DRG Center activity which is developing and piloting a new diagnostic tool for assessing resurgent authoritarian influence in USAID partner countries and formulating effective responses.