Through the Analytical Services IV (ASIV) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, DPI and its joint venture partner, Making Cents International, provide USAID’s DRG Center with analytical expertise for strategic assessments and program design, research activities, surveys, training, and rapid response for political transitions.
The first Task Order under the ASIV IDIQ will provide several DRG Assessments worldwide during a three-year period to support strategic planning and program design by missions. DRG Assessments use qualitative and quantitative data collected by field teams to identify key DRG problems, prioritize them with respect to amenability and USG resources and policies, and then produce actionable recommendations for strategic planning and program design. DRG Assessments completed through 2021 under this Task Order include: Indonesia, South Sudan, DRC, Timor-Leste, Guinea, Thailand, Mongolia, and Guyana.