DPI was awarded a five-year USAID Justice Sector Support Project in Armenia. Together with our subcontractor – Management Systems International, a Tetra Tech company, and Armenian partners - the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia, and Law Development and Protection Foundation, DPI will work on establishing a fair and equitable justice system, and increasing public confidence in the rule of law.
The purpose of the Justice Sector Support Project is to help the Government of Armenia reform justice sector institutions through: (1) establishing effective and efficient court administration and case management systems; (2) supporting self-regulatory institutional capacity development; (3) improving legal and professional education; and (4) facilitating oversight of the implementation of justice sector reform through collaborative action.
This project builds on the momentum of the peaceful political transition and aims to support the government’s political will in realizing its justice sector reform agenda. The Project supports targeted justice sector institutions to materialize the reforms that will increase their effectiveness, accountability, and independence. A well-functioning legal and judicial system is critical both as an end and a means for facilitating and leveraging the achievement of other development objectives.
This assistance will support Government's efforts to modernize internal case management systems through E-Court solutions; improve the judiciary’s professional and court administration skills; promote alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms to alleviate court backlog and effect swift resolution to cases; build the functional capacity of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC); advance law school education and professional training; and strengthen the legal and regulatory environment for the judiciary.
The expected results of the Project include:
(1) Policy and procedures for court system modernization are improved, and the capacity of court personnel in court administration and case management is strengthened;
(2) A more effective system of judicial testing, selection, and performance measurement is developed and applied, and that the capacity for effective internal/judicial and external/public strategic communications is strengthened; and
(3) The capacity of university law schools and the Judicial Academy to provide critical knowledge and skills is improved, and that the practical skills and experience of law students and new lawyers are strengthened.