The Promoting the Rule of Law Project (PRLP) supported Myanmar to consolidate its democracy to become more inclusive, accountable, and responsive to its people through good governance and protection of human rights. PRLP worked to strengthen institutions to promote good governance, rule of law and human rights, and expand space for civil society organizations (CSOs) and the media to support democratic transition. Activities focused on developing political reform, fostering ethnic reconciliation, and strengthening the capacity of reform-minded individuals and institutions. The project was successful in developing new court procedures to increase efficiency and transparency in the judiciary, support legal aid, and build strategic relationships between civil society and the justice sector which resulted in greater CSO engagement in awareness raising and increasing knowledge of rights and legal processes among the Myanmar's general public.
As a sub-contractor to TetraTech DPK (TtDPK), DPI supported PRLP to promote and protect the rule of law and civil liberties, and address key capacity and structural gaps that limit the effectiveness of selected justice systems.
Specific project objectives included:
- Promote accountable and accessible justice sector institutions; and
- Improve and increase access to justice, legal literacy, and participation of marginalized populations.
DPI was responsible for supporting activities related to strengthening access to justice. Activities included enhancing the legal framework to protect human rights, expanding legal aid services, strengthening paralegal networks, and increasing public legal literacy. DPI helped build strategic relationships with and between key actors in civil society and the justice sector to provide legitimate and effective democratic institutions that promote greater public understanding and access to justice. PRLP supported development of a comprehensive strategy for national rule of law reform, including fostering a participatory approach to effective legislative drafting and policymaking, and supporting strong judicial self-governance. PRLP also enhanced capacities of the the Union Attorney General’s Office, supported judicial self-governance and judicial reform, and developed civil society to engage in public policy development and advocacy. DPI worked to increase legal literacy, access to justice, and the participation of marginalized populations in targeted regions and states, as well as to build build linkages between these communities and central governance and justice institutions.
Photo source: Tetra Tech